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    Upcoming events, thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Those were Benjamin Franklin's words, when asked what form of government the constitutional convention had come up with. Now it appears the Supreme Court may be ready to piss it away. Yesterday's oral argument in the Supreme Court was horrifying, genuinely so. You'd think that the main stream...
    On May 8, 2024, I'll be joining two other Fomite Press authors, Marc Estrin and Ron Jacobs, for a joint reading and book launch party. I'm the poet in the group. I'll be celebrationg publication of The Dragon of Sassafras Mountain and Other Poems, a collection of lyrics on a variety of subjects...
    I refuse to let Jewish identity be defined by the murderous racists, authoritarians, fanatics, fundamentalists, and psychopaths currently governing Israel, to its shame and destruction. I come from an opposite tradition. The Judaism I received from my ancestors and have sought to pass to my...
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  • Readings

    Seth enjoys sharing his work with an audience. His readings are fun, dramatic, and engaging. To schedule a reading, please contact Seth through this website.

    Listen to Seth read his poetry

    The Rabbit

    A passage from Seth's third book, Once Was Lost


    What I had for lunch through most of August. Ceci n'est pas un sandwich.

    Fox says, now your eyes are closed

    A poem from my current book-in-progress. Fox is a major character, clever and wry as his name implies, who enjoys giving me advice laced with a good helping of snark.

    Fox says where are your feet

    This poem was born on June 30, 2022. It's part of my current book project.